This diesel additive can be used to winterize and improve the quality of high sulfur, low sulfur and ultra-low sulfur diesel fuels. It can also be used to winterize soy based biodiesel blends up to 5%. Typical applications include fleets, farms, power generation, and all other heavy-duty diesel applications.
Diesel Guard™ Supreme Antigel Deicer Quarts contain VT330A™ cold flow improvers, aproprietary Heavy Wax Modifier (HWM) and wax crystal modifier synergist. It is specially formulated to improve the overall winter operability of today's higher wax content, hard to treat fuels with or without mandated biodiesel blends. It significantly reduces the need to utilize kerosene blending.
"SMART" Deicer™" is a non-alcohol proprietary deicer designed to lower the freeze point of entrained water in saddle tanks and fuel lines. Our goal is to get the icing point of the entrained moisture in your fuel below the Cold Filter Plug Point (CFPP). This keeps ice crystals from plugging the fuel filter and helps keep the vehicle running at sub-zero temperatures. Diesel Guard™ delivers more deicer than the competition.Contains a new and unique detergent chemistry designed to remove and prevent the formation of Internal Diesel Injector Deposits (IDID) as well as external tip deposits. Fully formulated Diesel Guard™ Supreme Antigel Deicer Quarts contain additional cetane, VT101™ lubricity and other performance enhancing chemicals that help reduce down time, lower maintenance costs and provide better operation of equipment.
treats saddle tanks helping to prevent fuel filter icing.
Restores lost power and performance.
Product should be added to the storage tank prior to adding fuel. Storage tank should havea 20% heel of fuel and be free of excess water and/or sludge.
Treat Rate Cold Temperature Operability
1:250 Normal
1:125 Severe
Maximum Dosage: Dosage for this product should not exceed 1 quart per 75 gallons of diesel fuel. Additive performance depends on the specific fuel being treated and should be determined by laboratory testing prior to use.