The AXI Ready-Use Fuel Tank is a fuel storage tank constructed to customer specifications with various designs ranging from single wall or double wall construction, per UL-142 specifications, to fire safety tanks, per UL-2085 specifications.
The AXI Ready-Use Fuel Tank is a fuel storage tank constructed to customer specifications with various designs ranging from single wall or double wall construction, per UL-142 specifications, to fire safety tanks, per UL-2085 specifications. The tanks can be designed in tandem with pumps for transferring fuel to and from the storage tank. All tanks are designed with a interstitial wall to capture leaks and alert the user of an issue. All tanks are primed and finish coated to customer specification.
AXI Ready-Use Fuel Storage Tanks feature continuous duty pumps for a variety of flow rates. The units feature UL 508 listed control boxes with automated PLC controllers. The system will alert on Tank High, Tank Low, and Basin Leak detection. It is also equipped with E-Stop, On/Off switch, alarm reset button, and tank level/leak alarm lights.